Saturday, May 23, 2009


It works!

C'est fin.


I kinda feel like I'm talking to no one in particular. Or just talking or writing for no purpose at all. I don't envision people reading this. However! I'm extremely bored now that my indentured servitude is almost up at Everglades, and I need to do something better with my time that get on AIM or Facebook or stare at walls realizing I'm not doing anything. And I figure I can waste a lot of time writing but online writing doesn't require paper or take up space or make my room messy and keep it that way because I don't trash things very well. The circular file is hungry...
Those four manila folders stuffed with creative writing garbage aren't gonna be wastebasket bait. No way.
Maybe all that make-up people keep buying me like I'll ever wear it. But not my writing.
Hmmm. This is odd. I wonder if this post will even work.

Commencing le trial!